Types of Liability Coverage Your Business May Need

When you own a business, dangers are lurking everywhere. Every business faces a wide range of risks, and you need to protect yourself and your business against them. There are various types of commercial liability insurance that you might need, depending on the way your company does business. When you need liability coverage for your business, call us at Rancho Del Sur Insurance Services Inc. in San Diego, CA, to learn more. 

Premises Liability 

If you have physical premises, you may open it to the public or customers. When they have access to your premises, it’s always possible for them to be injured. Injuries can cost an extreme amount, even if the injuries aren’t severe. When you have the right premises liability coverage, it can pay for the medical bills and other costs associated with an injury that happens at your business. 

Worker’s Compensation

This is vital insurance to have if you have employees. When an employee has an accident at work or gets an illness related to work, your company is responsible for all the bills. Workers’ comp insurance can pay those bills so that your business isn’t burdened with them. 

Product Liability 

If you sell a product, no matter what, it could be used improperly and cause an accident or other incident. Your product can injure someone, so you need to be ready. This policy can pay for damages caused by the customer’s use of the item or any flaws in the item that cause harm.

Get Your Commercial Liability Insurance 

To protect your business against accidents and other incidents, call us at Rancho Del Sur Insurance Services Inc. in San Diego, CA, to get started.